On October 6th, Drogheda United achieved a significant milestone by securing our place in the FAI Cup final. The atmosphere was electric, with a packed stadium and supporters eager to witness what has been a remarkable journey for the club. Tickets sold out within minutes. The build-up to the match was immense, and after defeating Bohemians and Derry, our fans were ready for something special.
In the days leading up to the match, the demand for tickets was overwhelming. We could have easily sold out the stadium several times over. The enthusiasm surrounding this event highlights the growing support for our club and the need for upgraded facilities. As our community rallies behind Drogheda United, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’ve outgrown our current home.
This moment is about more than just football. It’s about harnessing the momentum that has brought our club and town together. Drogheda United plays a vital role in our community, not just as a source of entertainment but as a symbol of pride. Children all across town are donning claret and blue, and the support for the club is stronger than ever.
Now is the time to take action. We are calling on every member of the Drogheda community, young and old, to show up for the final. Tickets are on sale now, and we ask that you take this opportunity to invest in your town by being there to support our team. Let’s fill the stands and demonstrate that our town is ready for something bigger.
Furthermore, we would like to directly appeal to our elected officials responsible for allocating the Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund (LSSIF). The demand for tickets, the packed crowds, and the excitement surrounding this match prove that Drogheda United and the community desperately need an improved stadium. We ask again, in the strongest possible terms, that our application for a new stadium receives full consideration. This moment has shown what is possible, and we need the facilities to match the ambition and passion of our supporters.
Let’s seize this moment, support our team, and take Drogheda United to the next level.
Wesley Hill
Executive Director, Drogheda United